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A Dual- Use Double-Head Bottle Brushes - AOQUN Customizes for You

A Dual- Use Double-Head Bottle Brushes - AOQUN Customizes for You


Two months ago, I received an inquiry from Sam, a customer in the United States. Sam was very upset because he wanted a bottle brushes to be unique in the market. Sam found different manufacturers, one of them ask Sam to offer sample to them, and the others did not make the attractive bottle brushes. Sam asked if we can make a dual-use double-head bottle brushes.

Bottle Brushes

Received Sam's mail, our sales engineer Splendar immediately replied to Sam within 1 minute and learned the specific situation. Sam needs to clean the bottle with bottle brushes of different calibers, if they use two bottle brushes, it will increase the cost. After communicate with Sam, we designed a double-bottle brushes for dual purpose, and sent the design drawings to Sam. The diameter of the bottle brushes at one end is cylindrical and relatively small, and the other end is tapered. Sam’s Customers can better clean bottle with bottle brushes of different calibers, Sam is very satisfied with our design, and ask us to provide samples. We sent the samples to Sam after 1 week.

Bottle Brushes

A month later, Sam sent an e-mail saying that they participated in a local commodity exhibition five days ago and brought samples that we sent him. The customers were very interested in a dual-use double-head bottle brushes in the show and Sam received orders from three customers in the exhibition. He needs to order 50,000 bottles.

Bottle Brushes

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