cepillo médico

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Antibacterial Function Test Tube Brush Appearance Bacteria- AOQUN

Antibacterial Function Test Tube Brush Appearance Bacteria- AOQUN


I received John’s email from the United States: “before I received the test tube brush appearance bacteria purchased from other places. The bristles actually do not have antibacterial function. Other suppliers cannot provide the test tube brush appearance bacteria with antibacterial function.” With a lot of customer complaints and fewer orders, John asked if we could fix it.

Test Tube Brush Appearance Bacteria 

Our gold sales customer service Mary responded promptly after receiving John's email. At the same time, she took a screenshot of the antibacterial function certificate we passed the third party test and promised that we would use nylon with test tube brush appearance bacteria. The antibacterial function guarantees the same quality of samples and large goods. We also told John that the largest customer in the US medical industry is also buying a test tube brush appearance bacteria with antibacterial function from us. John is very satisfied with Mary's professional response, and paid a sample customization fee of usd90. 3 days later we will send test tube brush appearance bacteria with antibacterial function.

Test Tube Brush Appearance Bacteria 

Three days later John received a sample of the antibacterial function test tube brush appearance bacteria, and was very satisfied, and placed an order for 20,000 pieces.

Test Tube Brush Appearance Bacteria

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