cepillo de botella

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AOQUN Bottle Brush Black with Good Cleaning Effect

AOQUN Bottle Brush Black with Good Cleaning Effect


"Hello, I am Yuri, Russia's largest brush dealer. I need a bottle brush black with good cleaning effect. The bottle brush black I bought before is not good, I received a lot of customer complaints. Can you customize the bottle brush black I need?"

Bottle Brush Black

Our customer service Tony replied Yuri and said, Hello Yuri, We are the manufacturer of bottle brush black for 11 years. Your brush with bad cleaning effect may be due to insufficient brush density or too soft brush bristle. Please send us your current samples for our analysis. We can customize the bottle brush black to meet your requirements according to your application needs and problems." After receiving Yuri’s sample, our engineers proposed to increase the thickness of the bottle. And to increase the wire diameter to solve this problem, Yuri tested our samples and said that they are very satisfied and immediately placed an order of 1000 units.

Bottle Brush Black

About two months later, Yuri sent an email: Your bottle brush black cleaning effect has completely met my client's requirements, and I have not received any complaints since then. Your professional and customization skills are exactly what I need, I hope we can cooperate for a long time!

Bottle Brush Black

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