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AOQUN Customize Carton Packaging For You Glass Water Bottle Cleaning Brush

AOQUN Customize Carton Packaging For You Glass Water Bottle Cleaning Brush


Some time ago, Mr. Tufan from Germany found us through Alibaba. He said that they wanted to buy glass water bottle cleaning brush and customize packaging, he asked us if we could customize the packaging for him because they want the packaging with their company's logo to highlight their glass water bottle cleaning brush.

Glass Water Bottle Cleaning Brush 

We learned from the customer about the size and design of the package they needed. Mr. Tufan sent us their carton design with their logo and company information. We sent the carton size and design to our carton supplier and asked them to make samples for our customers. Seven days later, we sent the samples of the glass water bottle cleaning brush with carton packaging to the customer.

Glass Water Bottle Cleaning Brush 

Six days later, the customer received the sample. They are very satisfied with the design of the carton and the quality of our glass water bottle cleaning brush. He said that the design of the sample is what they expected and the bottle brush meets their needs. They have decided to give us an order for glass water bottle cleaning brush with packaging.

Glass Water Bottle Cleaning Brush

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