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AOQUN Good Quality Acetabular Reamer Cleaning Brush

AOQUN Good Quality Acetabular Reamer Cleaning Brush


Some bad quality acetabular reamer cleaning brushes will scratch the acetabular reamer.

Acetabular Reamer Cleaning Brush 

AOQUN can solve this problem. In order to understand the problem of the customer more quickly, on one hand, AOQUN suggested the customer to send us the products used before; on the other hand, after receiving the drawings and product pictures and application from the customer. AOQUN tested the acetabular reamer cleaning brush that the customer had purchased before. The rubber wire is inferior and cannot meet the requirements for normal production. AOQUN told the customer the result and our solution. For the acetabular reamer cleaning brush, AOQUN use 304 spring to prevent rust. The bristle AOQUN used is pure nylon that does not scratch the inner of the acetabular reamer, it also has a good cleaning performance. The concave and convex parts of the Acetabular reamer can be touched by brush and cleaning clearly.

Acetabular Reamer Cleaning Brush 

This acetabular reamer cleaning brush is of good quality, perfect use and practical and there is no scratching inside the Acetabular reamer. It has been favored by many customers.

Acetabular Reamer Cleaning Brush

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