cepillo médico

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo médico

AOQUN Perfect Endoscope Medical Cleaning Brush

AOQUN Perfect Endoscope Medical Cleaning Brush


A customer sent us a message to find an endoscope medical cleaning brush, If brush bristle is too hard, it is easy to scratch the endoscope; too soft and clean effect is not good.

Endoscope Medical Cleaning Brush

We learned about the size of the endoscope. On the same day, we provided the design solution or the endoscopes, 3 of which are soft nylon endoscope medical cleaning brushes and the other 2 are stiffer endoscope medical cleaning brushes with harder bristle and different lengths. The customer was very happy with our design and asked us to provide samples as soon as possible.

Endoscope Medical Cleaning Brush

The customer received the sample and conducted tests and found that the endoscope medical cleaning brush cleaning effect is very good and they are with moderate hardness.

Endoscope Medical Cleaning Brush

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