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cepillo de tira

AOQUN LED Brush in The Escalator with Service Intimate

July 10,2019.

Mr. Gao from Hong Kong ordered a batch of 30 LED brush in the escalator from AOQUN. However, his maintenance master proposed that the brush in the escalator cannot affect the daily elevator maintenance. In some specific positions of the apron board, the maintenance master has to remove the apron board for maintenance. If you want to remove the brush in the escalator, it is equivalent to adding daily maintenance work.

Brush in The Escalator 

AOQUN research and development department knew this situation, and met for discussion immediately. The conclusion was that the brush and profile should be segmented in the position where the apron board needs to be disassembled. According to the size, the length of each brush in the escalator was designed. If the maintenance technician needs to remove the apron board, the brush in the escalator was naturally separable and only the LED wiring was disconnected. Here, the LED strips are required to be segmented accordingly, and the connecting lines are reserved at both ends. Although the production process of the entire LED brush in the escalator has been added, it has brought great convenience to Mr. Gao and would not increase the trouble for the escalator maintenance master.

Brush in The Escalator 

Mr. Gao heard this with very much approval and agreed to proceed according to this plan.

Brush in The Escalator

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