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Brush Strip Manufacturers – AOQUN

November 15,2019.

Miss Wan, who specializes in rack enclosure part products, said that it is necessary to use the brush strip on the export rack enclosure. The demand is very large. It was previously purchased in Anhui, but the rounds provided by the suppliers. Most of the brush strip are too large in size to fit the product. As a result, it not only affected the production progress of Miss Wan, but also increased the operating costs of the company. Miss Wan had no choice but to find stable brush strip manufacturers to cooperate.

Brush Strip Manufacturers

After fully understanding the request of Miss Wan, we analyzed the reason why Miss Wan’s brush strip would not match the product. It is because the manufacturer does not strictly follow the mold provided by Miss Wan for production and inspection. AOQUN are one of the qualified brush strip manufacturers. After our technicians measured the mold, we made a precise analysis of the size and thickness of the mold, and made the dimensional tolerance requirements. The subsequent production workshops must be strictly in accordance with the tolerance range, so that the unsuitable can be avoided. problem. Three days later, we gave Miss Wan a sample of five round seal brush strip.

Brush Strip Manufacturers

Four days later, I received a call from Miss Wan, saying that the brush strip samples we provided were installed and found to be completely compatible with the product, without looseness. Miss Wan immediately expressed her willingness to follow up with us, one of the brush strip manufacturers.

Brush Strip Manufacturers

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