cepillo de instrumentos musicales

Brush Filament Of Trumpet Snake Brush – AOQUN


A small trumpet snake brush also has university questions about the choice of filament. Below, let us understand what the characteristics of the trumpet snake brush with different materials are.

Trumpet Snake Brush 

1. The trumpet snake brush of PA610 (PA66, PA6) is characterized by good wear resistance and high temperature resistance, and its elasticity is relatively good.


2. The characteristic of trumpet snake brush of PA612 or PA1010 is the best resilience among nylon materials, and its impact resistance and aging resistance are also very good, but its cost is also the highest and its wear resistance is not as good as PA610.


3. The characteristic of polypropylene (PP) trumpet snake brush is that it has acid and alkali resistance, but the elasticity is not very good, it is prone to deformation and difficult to recover after long-term work.

Trumpet Snake Brush 

The above are the characteristics and applications of 3 different materials of the Trumpet Snake Brush. I hope it will be helpful to you. As a large-scale trumpet Snake Brush customized production enterprise, Aoqun Brush can customize a variety of sizes and sizes that meet your requirements. Functional trumpet snake brush, to provide you with a one-stop trumpet snake brush usage program.

Trumpet Snake Brush

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