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Buy Cut Well Liposuction Cannula Brushes? Select AOQUN

Buy Cut Well Liposuction Cannula Brushes? Select AOQUN


The no uniform filament on the liposuction cannula brushes not only affects the appearance, but also affects the use.

Liposuction Cannula Brushes

The original brush diameter is 6mm and the nylon wire diameter is 0.10mm. The brush diameter and the bristles are very small, the liposuction cannula brushes must first be dry, avoiding the longer filaments hidden in the liposuction cannula brushes while cutting, and keep the sharpness of the flying knife, finally there should be a full inspection to control each process, so that the liposuction cannula brushes would be cut well.

Liposuction Cannula Brushes

Each one was cut well in AOQUN. There was no uniform filament of the liposuction cannula brushes.

Liposuction Cannula Brushes

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