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Conventional Test Tube Brush Sizes - AOQUN

Conventional Test Tube Brush Sizes - AOQUN


For the laboratory, laboratory cleaning brushes are more frequent. So what is the commonly used test tube brush sizes? Let's introduce the dimensions of our commonly used test tube brush sizes.

Test Tube Brush Sizes

The usual diameter of the tube brush is from 3 to 200 mm, and the total length is from 10 to 2000 mm. Our test tube brush sizes are basically customized according to the customer's needs.

Test Tube Brush Sizes

Aoqun can also provide custom test tube brush sizes services for customers' laboratory instruments, and can customize appropriate brushes according to the irregular size or shape provided by customers, so as to provide customers with the most intimate and responsible services and reduce customers' worries and concerns about incomplete cleaning.

Test Tube Brush Sizes

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