cepillo médico

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo médico

CPAP Cleaning Brush Head is Optional - AOQUN

CPAP Cleaning Brush Head is Optional - AOQUN


Some time ago, Jack who comes from Ireland sent us an inquiry. He said they needed a batch of CPAP cleaning brushes, but they needed different designs. He said that they would order a large number of CPAP cleaning brushes, but we need to send him a sample first, so that he can make reference.

CPAP Cleaning Brush 

We got to know the design and the size of the CPAP cleaning brush they need. What Jack needs is different head processing. We sent our existing head processing images to Jack for his choice, from which Jack selected the fan shape, the winding-shape, the cutting head shape. We advise Jack not to choose the cut brush head, because the cut wire will scratch the CPAP tube when cleaning it. Jack accepted our suggestion, we sent the existing similar size of fan-shape, winding-shape CPAP cleaning brush samples to Jack for reference.

CPAP Cleaning Brush 

Five days later, Jack received the samples we sent, and conducted cleaning tests and various analyses. Jack was very satisfied with these head processing and ordered 3,000pcs for CPAP cleaning brushes.

CPAP Cleaning Brush

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