cepillo médico

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo médico

CPAP Tube Cleaning Brush For 15Mm Hose, Has Extra Long Stainless-Steel Shaft - AOQUN

CPAP Tube Cleaning Brush For 15Mm Hose, Has Extra Long Stainless-Steel Shaft - AOQUN


A customer from the United States consulted us about a CPAP tube cleaning brush for 15mm hose. the customer said that the stainless-steel shaft of the brushes was particularly easy to bend. When cleaning the CPAP, it was completely unstressed, and there was no way to control the direction. The customer hopes that AOQUN can solve this problem and provide samples.

CPAP Tube Cleaning Brush For 15Mm Hose

After communicate about the size of the CPAP, AOQUN found that the CPAP was particularly long, so the brush needed to be very long, but the stainless-steel shaft of the brush the customer purchases previous was only 1.2m. AOQUN supplied Mr.JM with 1.8m single stainless steel shaft. After repeated testing, AOQUN sent the samples to him.

CPAP Tube Cleaning Brush For 15Mm Hose

After receiving the sample, the customer said:” The samples you sent me were very useful. I can clean the CPAP very well now.” The customer found that the CPAP tube cleaning brush for 15mm hose was the best.

CPAP Tube Cleaning Brush For 15Mm Hose

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