cepillo médico

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo médico

Distinctive CPAP Wipes And Brush - AOQUN

Distinctive CPAP Wipes And Brush - AOQUN


AOQUN received an email from the customer in the United State, the customer wants their products to stand out in the market, asks AOQUN if they can make CPAP wipes and brush.

CPAP Wipes And Brush

Our CS replied to the customer after receiving the email and suggested the suitable CPAP wipes and brush with the color recommend. Then AOQUN sent the samples out.

CPAP Wipes And Brush

After 15 days, the customer said that the colorful CPAP wipes and brush is very shiny. It is very different from the color in the market now, samples are sent to their customers for testing. They are also very satisfied.

CPAP Wipes And Brush

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