cepillo médico

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo médico

Do Well in Anti-Collision Measures For 15Mm Cpap Tube Brush - AOQUN

Do Well in Anti-Collision Measures For 15Mm Cpap Tube Brush - AOQUN


A customer said that he wanted to buy a 15mm CPAP tube brush. However, the carton was always hit during the transportation in past purchasing experience, the 15mm CPAP tube brush was damaged, which caused him to suffer heavy losses.

After in-depth communication with the customer, AOQUN learned that the brush package is very simple. It is directly packed into the box. The carton is also very common. It does not have any protective measures and is easily crushed and damaged during transportation.

15Mm Cpap Tube Brush

AOQUN packaging will offer the double protection for 15mm CPAP tube brush during transportation. When brushes packed into the box, a thick paper pad is added to the top, bottom, left and right of the carton which is K=K, double layer. In addition, the most important point is that AOQUN will customize the most suitable anti-collision strips according to each customized carton. This is the advantage of our company’s packaging.

15Mm Cpap Tube Brush

A month later, we received a call from the customer, who said that the packaging is solid and safe. Particularly, anti-collision strips have been added inside and outside the carton. After a long period of transportation, it is still intact.

15Mm Cpap Tube Brush

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