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Dust Shroud Brush For Hand Grinders – AOQUN

Dust Shroud Brush For Hand Grinders – AOQUN


Dust shroud brush for hand grinders have good abrasion resistance, so using dust shroud grinders for sealing is an ideal brush material.

Dust Shroud Brush For Hand Grinders

If it is used in dust shroud grinders, it is recommended to use nylon 612 as the choice of sealing dust shroud brush for hand grinders, because the brush of this material will have better recovery elasticity, although the wear resistance is slightly inferior to 610. But its appearance and anti-aging performance will also be better and more suitable for industry.

Dust Shroud Brush For Hand Grinders

Aoqun is a professional manufacturer of customized dust shroud brush for hand grinders. According to your needs, we can produce dust shroud brush for hand grinders according to better achieve your use effect.

Dust Shroud Brush For Hand Grinders

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