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High Quality Dust Shroud Brush For 7 Inch Grinder Customized in AOQUN

High Quality Dust Shroud Brush For 7 Inch Grinder Customized in AOQUN


Mr. Zhang is looking for dust shroud brush for 7 inch grinder. In the early stage, his brush quality was unstable, and the shape of the base always deformed to affect the installation, which affected the production schedule.

Dust Shroud Brush For 7 Inch Grinder 

Mr. Zhang ’s biggest concern is that the base of the dust shroud brush for 7 inch grinder is not straight. If there is distortion or large bending, the card slot will be difficult to catch the dust shroud brush for 7 inch grinder. It must be ensured that the horizontal and straight gap on the three sides of the base should not exceed 0.2mm. We immediately took a few dust shroud brush for 7 inch grinder and showed it to Mr. Zhang, regardless of the size of the base is straight. The reason is that we have strict quality control, and the problems raised by Mr. Zhang have been judged as defective products. After listening, Mr. Zhang was very confident in us. He signed a purchase agreement with us that day and provided sample drawings for proofing.

Dust Shroud Brush For 7 Inch Grinder 

After 5 days, Mr. Zhang was very satisfied after receiving the dust shroud brush for 7 inch grinder sample, saying that after installation, it is very firm and will not shake, which is the quality requirement they need.

Dust Shroud Brush For 7 Inch Grinder

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