cepillo de instrumentos musicales

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo de instrumentos musicales

Horn Mouthpiece Brush, Winning On The Starting Line-AOQUN

Horn Mouthpiece Brush, Winning On The Starting Line-AOQUN


If the design is defective, the horn mouthpiece brush may not be applicable.

Horn Mouthpiece Brush 

The filament of the horn mouthpiece brush needs to be customized according to the usage scenario. For example, it will be customized according to the degree of softness and hardness required by the customer to determine the diameter of the horn mouthpiece brush. The shape of the horn mouthpiece brush also needs to be customized according to the shape and characteristics of the product.

Horn Mouthpiece Brush 

The thickness of the stainless-steel wire also affects the use, because if the horn mouthpiece brush is longer, and the steel wire is thinner, the horn mouthpiece brush will be unevenly stressed, and the cleaning will not achieve the desired effect.


If the design is defective, it means that it has lost the starting line. Aoqun brush never worry about this problem, because their horn mouthpiece brushes are customized and adapted.

Horn Mouthpiece Brush

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