cepillo de café

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How to Choose An Espresso Group Head Cleaning Brush? AOQUN

How to Choose An Espresso Group Head Cleaning Brush? AOQUN


The general requirements of the espresso group head cleaning brush are in addition to the use of pure material nylon that can pass the ROHS standard and the corrosion-resistant 304 stainless steel.

Espresso Group Head Cleaning Brush 

Application requirements are different:

1.The diameter of the brush and the total length can be adjusted according to the length of the coffee machine.

2. It is recommended to use the Aoqun R and D product espresso group head cleaning brush, which has ten times the cleaning effect.

3. You can choose a slightly denser and sofer espresso group head cleaning brush, which has a stronger cleaner effect and no scratch.

Espresso Group Head Cleaning Brush 

Choose a good espresso group head cleaning brush, and take good care of your coffee machine.

Espresso Group Head Cleaning Brush

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