cepillo de vacío

casa Noticias caso de estudio cepillo de la tira cepillo de vacío

Intimate Clean Vacuum Brush Attachment -AOQUN

Intimate Clean Vacuum Brush Attachment -AOQUN


Mr. Ou recently encountered a problem. Because the customer specially customized a vacuum cleaner, the gap was much larger than in the past, so the hair length of the clean vacuum brush attachment was changed accordingly.

Clean Vacuum Brush Attachment

Mr. Ou found Aoqun. After receiving Mr. Ou’s consultation, Mr. Wang of Aoqun first learned about the specifications of the clean vacuum brush attachment purchased by Mr. Ou in the past, and then asked Mr. Ou to measure the door seam data and finally determine which one to use. The clean vacuum brush attachment, combined with the characteristics of the wool silk and the effect that Mr. Ou wanted to achieve, changed the wool silk from the original diameter of 0.15 to 0.3, and provided samples to Mr. Ou for confirmation within 3 days.

Clean Vacuum Brush Attachment

Through Mr. Wang's professional recommendation and the effect of the sample assembly, Mr. Ou quickly felt Aoqun's professional and caring service, so he immediately confirmed the order for clean vacuum brush attachment.

Clean Vacuum Brush Attachment

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