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One-Stop Supply of Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine Brush – AOQUN

One-Stop Supply of Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine Brush – AOQUN


The state has issued the requirements of "Safety Technical Conditions for Motor Vehicles" (GB7258-2017). As a result, the demand for Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine Brushes has been increasing. At the same time, product selection has also increased. Recently, Miss Xiang found that the pulling force of strip brush and the staple set technology is completely different.

Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine 

Miss Xiang also came into contact with the Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine Brush 18 years ago. She has not enough experience in product identification. Their company, as a state-owned enterprise, has strict control over quality and cost, so Miss Xiang hopes to consult a professional manufacturer to determine how to find a cost-effective Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine Brush. Under the introduction of the customer service, she learned that the staple set process fixes the filament by pressing a whole iron wire, and the strip brush process fixes the filament by pressing a piece of iron wire. The pulling force of strip brush can reach 10kg and the staple set brush can be up to 8.8kg. The Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine Brush of the trailer is to prevent the formation of water mist and affect the safety, so it is necessary to choose a slightly better clamping technology.

Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine 

Through the detailed introduction of Aoqun, Miss Xiang also knows that Aoqun is a professional manufacturer of trailer Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine Brush, and both the bristle process and the filament transplanting process can be supplied, so Miss can also choose according to different customers requirements from Aoqun.

Spray Suppressant Rigid Spine

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