cepillo médico

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo médico

This Brush Flask Is Very Environmentally Friendly - AOQUN

This Brush Flask Is Very Environmentally Friendly - AOQUN


Den from New Zealand found us through the introduction of a friend. He said that the big brush flask they purchased before used plastic materials. Due to the recent implementation of environmental protection actions, their company actively responded to the call and decided to introduce brushes for environmentally friendly materials, so he hopes we can recommend him a large brush flask with environmentally friendly materials.

Brush Flask 

After receiving the email from Den, we first asked him about the size of the large brush flask they needed. They needed a large brush flask with a diameter of 35mm, a brush length of 110mm and a total length of 240mm. We recommended to him a brush flask for pig hair, which is a natural material and does not contain any plastic ingredients. It is the first choice for environmentally friendly materials; and pig hair is softer than other plant hairs and will not scratch the inner wall of the test tube. Den wants us to send him a sample, we sent him a brush flask with similar specifications.

Brush Flask 

Den received a reply from the large brush flask samples soon after. He said his boss was very satisfied with the material and they planned to purchase 50000 pig hair brush flasks.

Brush Flask

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