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Too Hard To Choose A Good Coffee Cup Brush? AOQUN

Too Hard To Choose A Good Coffee Cup Brush? AOQUN


I believe that for new buyers of some companies who have not touched coffee cup brush before, it is too difficult to choose a good quality coffee cup brush! Today I will share with you how to judge the quality of a coffee cup brush with the help of some small items common in daily life. Make your future purchases no longer difficult!

Coffee Cup Brush 


Lighter burning method. Burning is the most direct method. When pure nylon burns, it shows a yellow flame on a blue background, emits white smoke, and has no unpleasant odor. It can be concluded that the coffee cup brush is made of pure nylon.


Rheometer test method. With a tensiometer, the pulling force of the bundled filaments must be greater than 6kg, and the service life of the coffee cup brush can be most directly ensured without losing hair.

Coffee Cup Brush 

Surface observation method. Carefully observe the presence or absence of uneven thickness and light leakage of the coffee cup brush on your hand, observe whether the gloss of the brush is consistent, and observe whether there are rust spots on the surface of the metal base. These conditions will directly affect the use of the effect, it is definitely not a good coffee cup brush.

Coffee Cup Brush

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