cepillo de vacío

casa Noticias caso de estudio cepillo de la tira cepillo de vacío

Vacuum Floor Brush Attachment—AOQUN Gives You Peace Of Mind

Vacuum Floor Brush Attachment—AOQUN Gives You Peace Of Mind


Spain's JOSE sent us an inquiry asking if we can produce vacuum floor brush attachment. It turns out that JOSE is a manufacturer of printers, and products must use the electrostatic vacuum function. However, because this material is special, many manufacturers fail to meet the standard, so we sent an inquiry with the spirit of giving it a try.

Vacuum Floor Brush Attachment 

Our senior salesman ANNA told JOSE that JOSE's demand is not large, and what he needs is functional filament. Because the cost is high, the quantity is small, and the effort is relatively large, the average manufacturer is reluctant to develop. However, we have more than ten years of experience in the vacuum floor brush attachment industry, so we are well-versed in vacuum floor brush attachment. ANNA told JOSE that our anti-static vacuum floor brush attachment level can reach 1010-1012, and took a test video for JOSE reference. JOSE was very happy and asked ANNA to send some samples for him to test. A week later, JOSE told the test that it worked well.

Vacuum Floor Brush Attachment 

At present, JOSE has placed 1,000 vacuum floor brush attachments, and revealed that this product will be added according to the sales results after it is launched.

Vacuum Floor Brush Attachment

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