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What Cable Exit Brush Wall Plate Is Used In The 5G Era? AOQUN

What Cable Exit Brush Wall Plate Is Used In The 5G Era? AOQUN


In the 5G era, are you still using the old-fashioned cable exit brush wall plate? Are you still consuming a lot of labor for loading and unloading? Are you wasting time and reducing efficiency?

Cable Exit Brush Wall Plate

After Guangzhou Aoqun Brush Industry cable exit brush wall plate was highly recognized and applied by the market, it developed the cable exit brush wall plate in response to the needs of the communications industry. The biggest advantage is that the brush is denser and tougher, can be placed horizontally and vertically, and has a sealing effect on the ground; and the card seat material has been optimized, softer and tougher, and the installation is more convenient and firm!

Cable Exit Brush Wall Plate

What cable exit brush wall plate is used in the 5G era? Use Aoqun’s cable exit brush wall plate.

Cable Exit Brush Wall Plate

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