What Parameters Are Required For Custom Sponge Cleaner Brush Kitchen Cleaning? AOQUN


There are many types of tableware, and there are many tools for cleaning tableware. Today we are talking about sponge cleaner brush kitchen cleaning. Sponge cleaner brush kitchen cleaning can be customized according to tableware style, material and specification requirements. Do you know which parameters we need to know in advance when customizing such products? Don't worry, I will tell you.

Sponge Cleaner Brush Kitchen Cleaning

There are various specifications of sponge cleaner brush kitchen cleaning. In the description, we generally use the diameter of the brush, the length of the brush, and the total length of the brush. If the tail needs to be processed in a circle, the diameter of the circle needs to be stated, so that the customized specifications can be determined. Only the proper sponge cleaner brush kitchen cleaning can clean our tableware effectively.

Sponge Cleaner Brush Kitchen Cleaning

When cleaning tableware, the material of the brush wire is very important. Choosing the right brush wire to clean the tableware is undoubtedly a protection for the tableware. Because the too soft brush wire cannot clean the foreign objects; the too hard brush wire will scratch our tableware, and seriously affect the sound quality. Therefore, before choosing the sponge cleaner brush kitchen cleaning brush wire, we need to understand the brush wire The material characteristics and the attributes of the tableware itself can be better and more accurately customized sponge cleaner brush kitchen cleaning.

Sponge Cleaner Brush Kitchen Cleaning

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