cepillo médico

casa Noticias cepillo de limpieza caso de estudio cepillo médico

Which Boiling Flask Brush Is Better? Of Course It Is AOQUN

Which Boiling Flask Brush Is Better? Of Course It Is AOQUN


Mr. Chen is a purchasing manager of a glassware company. He learned from his friends that Guangzhou Aoqun is a professional manufacturer of brushes and hopes to order boiling flask brush from Aoqun.

Boiling Flask Brush 

After learning about this situation, Aoqun’s Sun introduced to Mr. Chen: “Aoqun has been specializing in the production of boiling flask brush for 20 years. Filament materials include PA, PP, PE, PET, animal and plant hair, etc.; high-speed friction 1 million times without deformation, to ensure that the brush does not lose filament. 3 days later, Xiao Sun provided Mr. Chen with samples for testing.

Boiling Flask Brush 

Half a month later, Mr. Chen called Xiao Sun and said, "The model provided by your company has good results, and the boiling flask brush has no filament loss. Guangzhou Aoqun really deserves to be a professional manufacturer of boiling flask brush. Leading manufacturer." Subsequently, Mr. Chen and Aoqun signed a long-term cooperation agreement.

Boiling Flask Brush

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