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Which Brush On Vacuum Cleaners Is Better?

Which Brush On Vacuum Cleaners Is Better?


A wholesaler of vacuum cleaner accessories in Singapore was commissioned by an old customer to find a brush on vacuum cleaner. I have searched several stores, but have not found a suitable one. I saw the introduction of Aoqun brushes on Google. There are various styles of brush on vacuum cleaners, so please contact us immediately.

Brush On Vacuum Cleaners

Aoqun's senior salesman who receives customers. According to the customer's request, Xiao Liu quickly recommended a variety of brush on vacuum cleaners, and confirmed the total height and length of the brush with the customer. At the same time, the customer will be informed of the different characteristics and price differences of the two types of plastic yarns, PA and PP, so that he can choose the most suitable and cost-effective one according to the application requirements.

Brush On Vacuum Cleaners

The customer's customer gave a thumbs up after using this brush on vacuum cleaners. Not only the rubber yarn has good wear resistance and elasticity, but also the price is good.

Brush On Vacuum Cleaners

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