cepillo de botella

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Who Do You Want To Customize Baby Bottle Brush Cleaner - AOQUN

Who Do You Want To Customize Baby Bottle Brush Cleaner - AOQUN


1. Aoqun has a standardized workshop of 5000 square meters, a complete baby bottle brush cleaner production system plan; German fully automated production equipment, with a daily production capacity of 65,000 meters;

Baby Bottle Brush Cleaner

2. Establish AQS standard, 12 quality inspection links, 39 craftsmanship manufacturing, baby bottle brush cleaner factory pass rate is over 99.5%, customer satisfaction 95%;

3. The R&D and design team with 20 years of experience in the industry will serve you. The baby bottle brush cleaner will be customized within 8 hours and samples will be delivered in 2 days.

Baby Bottle Brush Cleaner

Aoqun Brush Industry, as a company focusing on the production and customization of high-quality and high-volume baby bottle brush cleaner, can customize baby bottle brush cleaner with various specifications of length, wool material, personalized color and function for you.

Baby Bottle Brush Cleaner

cepillos de la tira
cepillos de botella
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