cepillo de filtro

Japanese Brush Filter Online - AOQUN


Andy from Malaysia found our company through the official website. He said that he saw the brush filter online used by Japanese people when he visited koi farming in Japan before. They also wanted to purchase the same brush filter online.

Brush Filter Online

We asked Andy what the brush filter online they wanted, and asked them if they could send us samples for direct reference. We received and analyzed the brush filter online they received from Japanese farmers. This brush filter online in Japan is no different from the normal brush filter, but the filament is thinner than our ordinary brush filter. They use 0.2mm filament. After analyzing the data, we sampled several brush filter and sent them to Andy.

Brush Filter Online

After Andy received our proof samples and the original ones, they almost couldn't tell which one they got from the Japanese farmers. The two brush filter online were exactly the same. He said that we made this Japanese brush filter very well.

Brush Filter Online

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